Summer 2017

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Five Months

Wasn't it just last night that I was posting that Clay was four months old?! Where does the time go? My Little Bitty is growing up way too fast! This month finds Clay in a size 2 diaper and 3-6 month clothes. It also finds him rolling around all over the place, trying to push up into a crawling position, doing a little sitting on his own and standing and jumping in his exersaucer or when he's being held. He has also been enjoying one bottle of formula a week during the time that I'm tutoring at CC. And, he has become fascinated with studying his hands and feet. This kid is contagiously happy and an absolute delight, and I'm so thankful I get to be his mommy!

Sweet 5-month-old boy

Clay's favorite toy
Lady Killer


  1. TOO cute!!! I see a lot of Max & Ruth in him (yall just have some great-looking kids)

  2. Anonymous10:21 PM

    love the pics--beautiful eyes!! Linda Sue


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