Summer 2017

Thursday, September 22, 2011

You know what happens when you ASSUME, don't you?

Okay, I've never built a house before or moved into a brand new one--not by lots of years. So, I didn't really know where to set my expectations. Unfortunately, I set them a little high in a couple of key departments. First of all, I thought, "Everything is new, so it must all be in working order." Not necessarily. My repair/replace list is already pretty long. My second thought was, "It's brand new, so it will start out clean and will, therefore, be easier to keep clean." Wrong again. There is a tremendous amount of dust and debris, and I haven't even gotten anything truly clean in the first place yet. So, I am now entering a phase of resetting my expectations. I'm definitely not disappointed with the house. I love it so much and am so very happy to be here! I'm just changing the way I think about my brand new house. I'm also realizing I might have been a bit hasty to offer to host Mom's Night in October. Hopefully, my girls will overlook the flaws and we can just enjoy hanging out--whether the windows are clean or not.


  1. If your mom nite out friends are like mine, they would be happy to sit at a gas station, so long as they have a chance to visit & have dinner wo wiping poop or picking up food off the floor! I'm sure it will be fabulous in your new house!!!

  2. Thanks, Chey-Anne! I think you're right!


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