Summer 2017

Monday, September 12, 2011

One month down

We have already completed a month of school for this fall semester. Wow! Time certainly does fly when you're having fun! And even though we moved during this month, we tried to stick to our school schedule as much as possible, just to keep things flowing. That is not to say we haven't had interruptions. But, one of the things we enjoy about homeschooling is the flexibility.

Ruth has had the opportunity to do some interesting cooking and craft projects for History, as well as read some fascinating books. At the moment, she is working her way through the Civil War, a time period that really captures her attention. She has done some wonderful creative writing and written some beautiful poems in Writing. She finished a Spelling workbook leftover from last semester, putting her a couple of books ahead of where she "should" be. She has done some neat experiments in Science. She has been very focused in Math, vowing not to get behind like she did last year. She is reviewing her Latin from last school year, in order to make sure she has a really firm foundation before starting the book designated for jr. high and high school students. And she is doing her English Grammar lessons almost completely on her own, without the least bit difficulty. She is also enjoying her piano lessons, and just today she began a Martial Arts class. And, of course, she loves our one-day-a-week CC classes. Instituting a timer has made her a very good manager of her time, and our school days move along at a brisk, but thorough pace.

Weston still has days where he enjoys his school days more than others, but he is making progress daily. His favorite classes are Writing and Spanish. I am using the Writing with Ease book with him this year, and it's really perfect for his needs and abilities. And, it is all literature-based, so he has even been inspired to explore some books and stories that he had not been interested in before. For Spanish, we began the semester with some simple vocabulary books from the library, which he absolutely loved. In the last couple of weeks, he has moved to the computer-based Rosetta Stone program, which he also enjoys, but which has a bit of a learning curve. He finally finished his 18 poster and has gotten to move on to Great Illustrated Classic books. He is on his first of these now: Swiss Family Robinson. He does a good job in Math and is capable of doing more and more of the work on his own. He is also really enjoying his CC classes and looks forward to them every week. And, today, he started Cub Scouts, which he has been eagerly anticipating for months. (Plus, Weston has had on-site training in plumbing and masonry, since he has taken it upon himself to pull up a chair and ask all kinds of questions when these guys have been working here at the house).

We are super-proud of our kiddos and all that they are learning and doing! And, we are thrilled to be part of the daily process!

Ruth's Wednesday schedule

Westons' schedule

Ruth's "Crystal Palace"

Los Colores--Weston's very own book

An experiment in air pressure

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