Summer 2017

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Day of School

We kicked off our official school year a little early this year, hoping to maybe take some time off a little later. (Besides, it's hotter than blue blazes outside, so we might as well be sitting in the air conditioning, trying to improve our brains). It was a bit of a rough start for our younger student, since he still seems to be on vacation time. But we're easing in, and I expect by next week, he'll be more in the swing of things. Ruth had a great day, and even finished a little earlier than expected. Overall, it was a good start.

For those of you who might be interested, here is what's on tap for this year:

Ruth (4th Grade, with some 5th grade work thrown in, as well): Math, Writing, Modern History, Latin, Elementary Physics, Piano, Grammar and Spelling. We are also looking into getting her into some sort of sport.

Weston (Kindergarden, with a bit of 1st grade Math): Reading, Writing, Math and Spanish.

(Max will be attending preschool three days a week this year, beginning in a couple of weeks, so stay tuned for more on his school adventure).

We will all also still be participating in our CC group, which will start up again in September.

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