Summer 2017

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The medically perfect baby, et. al.

Today was check-up day for Ruth and Clay with the pediatrician, and we managed to work Max in for a few immunizations he needs before we can enroll him in preschool. Because Ruth and Clay were both new patients, and because two sets of immunizations were involved, we ended up being in the doctor's office about three hours. Everyone got a clean bill of health, and the doctor declared Clay to be "a medically perfect baby." Here are the stats:  Ruth weighed around 78 pounds and was about 4 ft. 7 in. tall. Clay weighed almost 12 pounds and was 23 in. long. But, what I really want to brag about is not the kids' health. They behaved wonderfully during the three hours we were there, and the staff just could not stop praising them for their good behavior. The kids also received many compliments for speaking to the adults intelligently. The doctor and her assistant were impressed that the kids asked probing questions and that they fully engaged in their communication with the adults. I am so thankful that my kids are healthy and intelligent, and that they are learning to conduct themselves well around others. I couldn't be prouder of these kiddos!

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