Summer 2017

Friday, June 10, 2011

To the contractors in the home building business:

I wish I could start this letter off by telling you what a pleasure it has been to work with you, but, with the exception of a small handful of you, that would certainly not be the case. I am really not sure how you all have managed to stay in business, with all your not showing up and not doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it. Or, at least calling to offer some explanation. I realize that it makes no difference to you whatsoever when my house is finished or when I get to move into it, and that's fine. But at least try to take some pride in your own work and in your own reputation. And, take some time to thank your lucky stars that you are all dealing with my infinitely patient and wonderfully rational husband. I would doubtlessly be much less kind. By all means, enjoy your weekend, but please SHOW UP TO WORK ON MONDAY AND DON'T LEAVE UNTIL YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOW FOR YOURSELVES.

With much frustration,
Mandi Watts

1 comment:

  1. I do not understand think work mentality where people can not even CALL when plans change to keep the owner informed. It's poor, poor ethics. I'm so sorry.

    Let me know if you need Curt to call someone - he has a way of getting people to do things ;)


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