Summer 2017

Monday, May 30, 2011

Birthday/Holiday Weekend

What a fun weekend we had! On Friday afternoon, Jeff and Weston worked on building a bird house together--from a kit that Weston got for his half-birthday. On Saturday morning, they worked on another building project: little vehicles. Later in the day on Saturday some of our favorite people showed up for a visit--my parents and grandparents. After cuddling with Clay for a while, we took everyone out to see the progress on our house. Then, we came back here for a little birthday party for our favorite nine-year-old. On Sunday, we went to church, out to lunch at the place of Ruth's choice (the Thai place), and on a major shopping trip to pick up ingredients for playing Chopped, which is what Ruth wanted to do for her family birthday party. We watched "The Three Stooges" in the afternoon, before donning the chef's coat and getting down to some culinary business. Ruth's Chopped competitor was Jeff, and they both turned out some fantastic food, which we all enjoyed immensely. We ended the meal with the rather untraditional, but-oh-so yummy birthday fondue. Today, we slept in, had more visitors and enjoyed  wonderful, homemade ribs for lunch. We then took our visitors out to the house. When they left, we went out to the Family Fun Day at Camp Peniel, where we zoomed across a little lake on the zip line, rode some horses, tried our hand at archery and sling shots, and ate snow cones--all for free! And from there, we went over to a nearby ranch to see the new little foals. Obviously, the kids are pooped (as are the parents), but we all had such a wonderful weekend!


  1. Anonymous8:22 PM

    happy birthday sweet Ruth, miss you sooo much my butterfly

    x o x o

    Patricia Tardin

  2. Thanks, Patricia. I'll pass your wishes for a happy birthday along to Ruth.


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