Summer 2017

Friday, March 25, 2011

I believe you can fly

Dear Ruth,

You and I had a pretty rough day on Tuesday. We butted heads and argued and had a hard time understanding each other. It wasn't fun, and it wasn't pretty--and we both said and did things that weren't that nice.

At one point during the day, I was lecturing you about being lazy and getting your work done. I said to you that I believed you could do anything you put your mind to, but that it was up to you to chose to do it--whatever it might be. With an I'll-show-you gleam in your eye, you turned to me and said, "Oh yeah, what about flying? Do you think I could fly, if I put my mind to it?" It was obvious you thought you had me on that point. And my response clearly surprised you. I immediately replied, "Absolutely! If you want to fly, I think you can do it!" Your whole face changed, and I saw some of the fight come out of you. You wanted to argue with me, but I hadn't said what you expected, and you didn't know how to respond. And later that day, you began asking questions about the mechanics of flying. And the next day, you began reading about and working on building planes.

I wish I could say that we will never have another day like Tuesday, but I'm too much of a realist to really believe that. We will argue and butt heads from time to time, but the thing I need you to know in the very core of your being is that I believe you can fly. Don't ever, ever forget that. I think you are one of the smartest, most talented people I have ever known, and I truly believe you can do anything you put your mind to. I am your biggest fan, and I want the very best for you. And, I love you with all of my heart!

I can't wait to see you soar!



  1. I love this, Mandi. I really do.

  2. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I wish I had possessed the wisdom you have when I was raising you. You are a wonderful mother and I am so proud of you..


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