Summer 2017

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Wonderful Words of Weston

The other day, Max thought it would be funny to say "What?" or "Huh?" to everything we said. He was really cracking himself up, when Weston commented, "We are going to have to start calling you 'Old Weston,'" referring to the time before his surgery when he couldn't hear.


We spent the weekend with my parents, and on Saturday night, my mom asked if the kids wanted to go to Sunday school in the morning. Weston quickly and emphatically answered, "That's fine, but I DO NOT want to be baptized!!" Having never even really talked to him about this topic and remembering that he had only seen a baptism while we were in Brazil, we were surprised that he had such a strong (negative) opinion. Since it came completely out of the blue, it caught us all off guard and touched our funny bones. Later, Ruth remembered that we had attended a special service with my parents almost a year ago, at a church they don't normally go to, where three people were baptized. This helped to clear up some of the story for us. I assumed his objection to being dunked was that he was being protective of his high-maintenance, tube-filled ears. But, it later came out that he did in fact want to be baptized "at some point--just not now and not at that church." Further probing revealed that the cause of his concern was that he "didn't want to be up in that window (baptistry)."


Ruth slacked off on some of her math assignments last semester and has been making up for lost time this semester by doing her regular math lesson in the morning and a make-up lesson after her other school work is finished. For her, it hasn't been all that fun. However, for Weston, this seemed like the greatest injustice. He got all teary the other day, saying, "I wish I could have two math classes like Ruth!"

(And, guess what? We got out the math book and let that boy do another math lesson)!


A conversation with Dad

Weston: I wish I could have a job like you.

Dad: Oh yeah? What kind of job would you like to have when you're my age?

Weston: Either a builder or a librarian.

Dad: Really? I didn't know you were interested in being a librarian. What do you like about that job?

Weston: Well, I'd like to do that job because all the other ones [librarians] are grumpy.


A story by Weston

A sock wanted to go to a show, and he was trying to find someone to go with him. He asked a pair of underwear, and the underwear said, "I'd really like to go, but I'm too busy keeping someone's private parts warm." So, the sock asked a jacket...

[here Max interjects, "Jacket. That's a really nice name!" And the story goes no further because no one can catch their breath for laughing so hard--both at the story and at the commentary].

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