Summer 2017

Thursday, February 03, 2011


A few days ago my watch gave up the ghost and suddenly refused to give me the time of day. This is a serious problem for me, for a couple of reasons. One is that I really need like to keep up with the passing of time. It just adds a certain order to my day that makes everything make sense. And especially as I try to keep track of what's going on with our school day. The other problem is that I'm allergic to most metals, so I usually can't just run out and buy a new watch. I either have to wear real gold or 100% plastic, neither of which are super-easy to find just anywhere. So, I made a plan to do some watch shopping...when I had some time. 

Unfortunately, we were victims of the rolling blackouts yesterday and our power blinked off about every hour for most of the day. With no working watch and blinking clocks all over the house, I nearly went insane. 

Unrelated errands took me to Wal-Mart yesterday afternoon, and I decided to peruse the jewelry department while I was there. They had exactly one all-plastic woman's watch in stock, and the price was certainly right, so I added it to the cart, as a temporary fix to the timelessness I was experiencing. It's quite a classy little thing that only barely fits me. 

Jeff took one look at it when I got home, and insisted that we sit down together and do some online watch shopping. He was actually embarrassed to have my wrist thus attired. After looking most of the evening, we found a watch we both loved and ordered it. Jeff is already encouraging me to pass the plastic one along to one of the children. But, I will wear it proudly until my new one arrives. Because if there's one thing I definitely don't want to be, it's "timeless."


  1. I think we need a picture of said watch so we (your faithful blog readers) can make our own decision. :)

  2. I'm afraid a picture would give you a better impression of it than it deserves. You'll just have to trust me that it is terrible. But, it keeps time, so that's really all that matters! :)


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