Summer 2017

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hey there, Boy-o!

You are "quee"-years-old today! Isn't that amazing?! We all survived the last year and are all better for it. :) It's true that "that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Dad and I didn't kill you during any of your rebellious streaks (nor did you do us in), and you didn't kill yourself with any of your daredevil activities, though we sometimes wondered how you survived running yourself into a wall and knocking yourself out cold, falling out of a chair and splitting your head open and attempting to cut off one of your fingers with a box cutter (to name a few). Your activity level, both in dangerous and non-dangerous activities, has often prompted us to call you "our twins, Max."

You have changed a lot in the last year. You have become even more independent and have learned many new things. You can sing the entire ABC song now, and you have learned to spell, not only your name, but also Ruth's and Weston's, as well. You like to sit and "read" books by yourself sometimes, and you like to "write" and draw. You love to count, and you have learned many of the CC history songs by listening to your brother and sister.

Speaking of your brother and sister, you have really been enjoying their company more and more in the last year. You especially love to play outside with Weston--jumping on the trampoline, looking for bugs, shooting "guns," finding interesting rocks and sticks and just adventuring. You have become quite adept at riding your tricycle, and it's neat to see you wheeling around all over the place.

You have become much more affectionate in the last year, often giving spontaneous hugs, kisses and "I love yous." You will also sit in a lap for a period of time, especially if someone will read you a book.

Your very best friend and almost-constant companion is Charlie Beetle, a stuffed monkey you got for your birthday last year. You and he are just about inseparable. You love to sleep with him, tell him secrets, reserve a special seat for him at the breakfast table and take him on many of your adventures. And woe to us all if we fail to take him with us when we travel.

You have fallen in love with trains this year, and you're especially fond of Thomas and his friends. You even got to see and ride on the real Thomas in October, which was one of the highlights of your year. Playing with your trains is one of the only activities that can hold your attention for longish periods of time. You have spent many happy hours at train tables at various children's museums this year, which is why we decided to get you one of your own for your third birthday. We hope it will be a source of joy and entertainment for you in the days, weeks, months and even years to come.

You are still our picky eater, eating only when it's your idea. This isn't to say that you don't like a lot of different foods. We often laugh at the things you are willing to eat, things that most two-year-olds would have shied away from. We had a vacation to Washington D.C. back in May, and you went crazy for a cashew shrimp dish we ordered in China Town. We have seen you eat stewed prunes, elk, venison, many kinds of soup, onions, tomatoes, coleslaw, and olives with gusto. But, again, only when it's your idea. One thing you are not picky about, though, is sweets. You will eat anything sweet, at any time.

And, you've had lots of sweets this year, as rewards for going potty. You wear underwear most of the time now (except at night), and you only have accidents occasionally. We are very proud of you for your progress and are sure you will be completely potty-trained before too long.

You love to sing and often make up your own songs, which keeps us all entertained. You also love to pray and read the Bible. Your prayers have matured in the last year, which is a blessing. However, you are a bit competitive when it comes to praying. You definitely want to make sure your voice is heard.

You have a crazy and fun fashion sense, and it is always exciting to see what kinds of outfits you put together. They almost always include your cowboy boots and very often some interesting accessory, like a necktie or hat. Though you do love clothes, you are not the least bit hesitant about running around in your birthday suit. Shy and modest, you are not.

Max, you are such a sweet boy and so full of life! It is a pleasure to watch you learn and grow every day. You challenge us sometimes, but you are mostly a delight, and you constantly make us laugh. Daddy and I love you so much and are so thankful for the opportunity just to know you and to be a part of your world. Happy 3rd Birthday!



  1. I thought I remembered you saying you like chai spice. I found this on Tasty Kitchen blog and thought it was quite interesting!

    If it's not directly on the spice page, type in spiced chai concentrate. They make their own chai spice!

  2. Thanks, Chey-Anne! I'll check it out! I love chai and have been making my own mix for a while. and I'm always on the lookout for variations and good recipes.


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