Summer 2017

Monday, January 24, 2011

Big, big boys

My boys had their yearly well-visits with our new pediatrician today. After checking them out and declaring them to be very healthy, she did a double take at the growth charts--especially Weston's. At 4'1" and 65 pounds, he is literally off the charts for both height and weight, as compared to other kids his age. And she estimates that when he is full-grown, he will probably be between 6'3" and 6'5"--and her guess is that he'll be closer to the high end of that. Max is also quite a big boy. At 39 in. and 37.5 pounds, he ranks around the 75th-80th percentile for height and the 90th percentile for weight--which is absolutely amazing for a child who refuses to eat at least half the time and is in a state of constant motion! The doctor was impressed with all the skills both boys possess and thought they were both quite cute. (I think we will really enjoy having her for a doctor, since her opinions align so well with my own)! :) I'm so proud of my big boys and am preparing myself for the day when I literally have to look up to them!


  1. I guess they will take after their daddy! I loved the train cake! Did you make that yourself? Impressive!

  2. I did make the train cake, and it really wasn't very complicated. Just baked in loaf pans instead of cake pans and cut a couple of them and stacked them up. I cut the center out of the "coal" car and put chocolate chips in. And I just used food coloring to color white icing for the different color cars. It wasn't professional quality, by any means, but it was fun and Max loved it, which is all that matters!


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