Summer 2017

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And, so, I bought sausage...

For those of you who either don't shop at HEB or who don't have children, HEB offers "Buddy Bucks" to kids as they come through the check-out line. The kid then puts the "buck" into a little machine, presses the big red button and receives a sticker with a number on it that indicates a number of points. The kid is then supposed to place the sticker in a special little book and collect point-based prizes on future visits to the store. (We never can keep up with these books, so my kids are usually encouraged just to be happy that they got a sticker)! The machine also holds a few special stickers that proclaim the lucky recipient an "Instant Winner."

So, this evening, while we were walking through HEB, frantically filling the shopping cart according to "The List," I overheard Weston say to his sister, as we passed a bin advertising a special on smoked sausage: "If I get an "Instant Winner" sticker, I'm going to ask them if I can just trade in the prize for some of that sausage!"

And, so, I bought sausage. Even though it wasn't on "The List." Because a growing boy shouldn't have to depend on the luck of the draw when all he wants is sausage!

1 comment:

  1. Funny! and by the way, thanks for explaining the whole HEBuddy thing to me. I'm pretty sure that information will be needed soon.


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