Summer 2017

Friday, December 03, 2010

Sail Away With Me

The tickets have been purchased, the documents printed out and the bags packed (except for Jeff, who prefers to throw things in the bag as we are walking out the door, just to drive me crazy). Tomorrow, we are headed to Galveston, where we will enjoy the Kemah boardwalk, some fresh seafood and Dickens On The Strand, before boarding our cruise ship on Monday. We are so, so excited! I may not have a chance to update the blog while we're on the boat, but you can bet I'll have lots of pictures and some tales to tell when we get back next week.

1 comment:

  1. Kemah! Chris and I went there when we spent so much time in Houston for our "Procedure" We loved it!!! Have a blast on your trip, can't wait for the pictures.


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