Summer 2017

Saturday, December 18, 2010


My Sweet Weston,

You turned five --not without notice--but in the midst of a busy time, and I just haven't had a chance to put my thoughts down for you yet. You're five--a whole handful! Wow! How did that happen?! It has been an amazing year, and I have had a blast being a part of all your growing and changing and learning.

A year ago, you couldn't hear. You had your tonsils removed and tubes put in your ears in February, and you have been a different child ever since. We have seen you blossom in so many ways. Your speech has improved, and you have become much more interactive. You have always been a happy guy, but your enthusiasm for just about everything has really grown, and you are generally so full of joy.

Besides your hunger for life, you also have an insatiable hunger for food. You have a particular fondness for Honey Buns, cheese enchiladas, lasagna and shrimp. But, the truth is, you will pretty much eat anything that doesn't eat you first! It's obvious that you are a growing boy.

You completed a year of preschool in May and started Kindergarten in August. You LOVE school and are always excited to learn new things. In fact, one of your favorite activities is to "go around the table and tell what everyone learned today." You can write all your letters, both upper and lower case, and you are an excellent reader. You also continually amaze us with your math skills. You do seem a little indifferent when it comes to reporting the weather, and you have often been known to report that it is cloudy and cold when it is actually sunny and warm. (Now that I think about it, it may not be indifference. Maybe you are actually on a path to become a weatherman). You have really enjoyed being involved in CC since September, and though you are the youngest kid in your class, you often impress your teachers and the other parents with your abilities and your tenderheartedness.

We see this tenderheartedness at home as well. You are always giving us physical and verbal confirmations of your love. My favorite is when you tell me you love me "too much." You are so thoughtful and are always giving little gifts, as well. You look for opportunities to help out around the house and almost always work joyfully and with all your heart. When you turned 5, we decided you were ready for a weekly paid job around the house (which you have been asking for for a while), and you became the bathroom man. You are doing a great job of it, and we are so proud of you!

You are fascinated by tools and have decided you want to be a builder when you grow up. You are hoping your first professional building project will be a vet clinic for Ruth, and you are anticipating having lots of opportunities to learn about the business as we build our new house next year.

Weston, you are such a special little boy, and it is a true blessing to know you! You make me smile every day and fill my heart with love. Daddy and I are so proud of you, and we love you so very much! You are our favorite five-year-old in the whole world!!


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