Summer 2017

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who says chivalry is dead?

In an effort to explore the new world around us, we headed over to Llano for dinner tonight. After a yummy meal at The Burger Bar, we made a stop at the grocery store for a few staples. I came up to the check-out line just seconds after a group of hunters with a full cart. They quickly realized what a light load I had compared to theirs and insisted I go ahead of them. As I thanked them and sat my two gallons of milk and carton of eggs on the counter, one of these kind gentlemen found his voice. "You look like a pretty good cook," he boomed. "We ought to just take you along with us!" I'm still not sure if it was my girth or my gender that led him to that conclusion, but my favorite (tongue-in-cheek) comment came from the female checker: "I have no idea what you can make with just eggs and milk, but you sure look like you could do it well!" I almost laughed out loud because Jeff and I had just been talking and laughing over dinner about a ridiculous man-on-the-street interview in The Onion (a spoof newspaper) where an old man was asked what he thought about the first woman to be elected president of Brazil. He answered that he'd be perfectly fine with it if the number was changed to "millionth" and the place was changed to "the kitchen." I wish I had had the wherewithal to tell Mr. Hunter that if he really wanted to have a fine meal prepared for him, he should go out to the van and talk to my husband.

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