Summer 2017

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Consider this a continuation of yesterday's post.

I generally love surprises, but tonight at 9:00, when we finally managed to get the children moving in the direction of bed, I received two surprises that I wasn't the least bit fond of. The first was the announcement from a certain little boy that his sheets were all wet from an accident LAST night. This is never one of my favorite surprises, but when I'm hearing about it for the first time all day at bedtime, and I have to scramble around to get new bedding, I like it much less. 

After dealing with this crisis, I walked into the boys' bathroom to turn off the light and noticed that the toilet had not been flushed, as per usual. I reached over and flicked the flusher, and nothing happened. A closer look showed that someone (and I know who, because I could hear him banging around upstairs while he was supposed to be napping) had unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet, sufficiently clogging it. Short on patience and equipment, I reached in with my bare hand to handle the situation (which certainly could have been worse), and then spent the next 10 minutes washing and re-washing my hands "just to be sure." Again, this is never a fun surprise, but it is considerably less fun at 9:00 pm, when all you want is for your kids to go to bed so you can prop your feet up. 

Such is life, I guess. Hopefully, tomorrow will bring a few good surprises. 


  1. Mandi, you are doing a great job raising your family. Your post make me smile. Keep them coming. If anything, know that you are preparing me for what I have to look forward to.

  2. I'm glad you enjoy the blog and that it gives you a glimpse of what lies ahead for you! :) Hope to see you next week!

  3. Mandi, I have had that first surprise too many times to count, yet I'm always surprised when it happens. Maybe I learn slowly? :) As for the second, I'm crossing my fingers that Abby won't be interested in the potty in that manner any time soon, and that somehow, by miracle, little Seth avoids it too. ;)


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