Summer 2017

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend Review

We had a very fun weekend around here. On Friday night, we attended a small-town football game and had a blast. The kids were mainly interested in getting snacks from the concession stand, but also loved the mascot, cheerleaders and band. I'm not sure if they actually knew a football game was going on out on the field, but they did have a good time up in the stands.

We spent the day in Marble Falls on Saturday, with the main objective of celebrating Weston's completion of another reading poster. He chose to play miniature golf for his reward. Everyone definitely had their own style, but we had so much fun and can't wait to do it again soon!

This afternoon, it was Ruth's turn. She has been working on a reading goal of 50 AR points, which she met this week. She chose to go see the new movie Secretariat for her reading reward. But, since we didn't feel that our whole group was equal to the task of sitting still and quiet for two hours, we split up. Ruth and I enjoyed our girl time at the movie, while the boys played at the park and bought new cowboy boots.

Jeff and I are so proud of all our kiddos and were thankful to have this weekend to spend together!


  1. Where/how do you do AR at home? I would be all over that for Denali, since he is only in Kinder and "not allowed" even though he's reading on a 4th grade level.

  2. Sarah, we use AR BookFinder: and just keep track of the points ourselves. You can either look up points for a particular book or look up a list of books fitting certain criteria. I'm not sure about accessing the official AR quizzes. Our goal was more to motivate Ruth to read more challenging books on her own time.

  3. Oh so you're not doing the official tests. ok. I was hoping you were though.


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