Summer 2017

Sunday, September 19, 2010

An otherwise lovely weekend

We had a wonderful weekend, really, but there were a few things that made it less than perfect. Included among those were the following:

  • a wee one with a MAJOR tummy bug
  • a young boy with a busted, bloody nose
  • a driver running her SUV into my van in a parking lot and leaving it with a huge dent and a nice little scratch--and then commenting (upon the revelation that she was also moving here from Kingwood) that "we were meant to bump into each other."
  • six small handfuls of teeny, tiny cactus prickles
On the positive side, though, we also got to do the following:
  • visit with my parents and grandparents
  • eat yummy BBQ
  • play at the park
  • look at quite a lot of toy catalogs  
  • visit with Jeff's parents
  • eat yummy Mexican food
  • enjoy cool breezes and a hint of fall-like weather
  • buy supplies for upcoming science experiments and history projects
  • hang out at "our" land, making measurements for our future house
  • jump on the trampoline
  • throw around the football

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