Summer 2017

Friday, September 24, 2010

Japanese Tea Ceremony

Ruth spent the week studying about Japan in History, so we ended the week with a Japanese Tea Ceremony. Though our book claimed that this would be a light meal, it turned out to be an eight-course feast that went like this: salad and white rice, chicken broth with mushrooms, grilled fish, hot water with lemon slices, a dish representing mountains and the sea (pretzel crackers and blueberry cream cheese), pickles and white rice, sweets representing the season (fall-colored Nila Wafers), black tea, and green tea. It was fun to make and fun to eat. And Ruth had a blast playing hostess!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!! Looks like ya'll had fun. When I taught third grade, we did a unit on Japan. We always ended it with a tea ceremony and they made tatami mats. They loved taking their shoes off during the ceremony. It was my favorite unit of the whole year!!!!


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