Summer 2017

Monday, August 30, 2010

Moving Day

Today was moving day. No, we haven't sold our house in Kingwood. But, we were anxious to step into this new phase of our life, and we wanted to be involved with the local CC group from the beginning. And, my in-laws graciously offered us the use of their currently unoccupied house. We spent almost the entire weekend packing up all the last-minute stuff (of which, there was quite a lot) and loading it in the two vehicles. Then, we hired a cleaning company to come in today (after the boys and I left!), so we could leave the house sparkling. It was a long day of loading and driving and unloading (with a doctor's appointment, some crazy hard rain and a visit with a good friend thrown in there, too!), but we made it, and we're glad to be here. Now, excuse us while we hit the hay.


  1. Kathy7:58 AM

    I would definately have given that pickup a lot of room on the road. Glad you all made it in two pieces. Thanks for the visit!

  2. Wow! That is an amazing packing job! Glad you live closer.


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