Summer 2017

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Something New

I'm a picture person. I love taking pictures, looking at pictures, and just playing around with them--and I always have. All my picture taking is pretty much for my own enjoyment, but I also really get a kick out of sharing my pictures with others. Jeff gave me a new fancy-schmancy camera last month, and so I have decided to start a photo blog. My words and family pics will still be here whenever you'd like to know what's going on with us, but I'd like to invite you all over to take a look at my pictures if you just want to see some pretty stuff (that doesn't look like my kids):

It's called "Pretty Stuff," because one time when we were riding in the car and witnessing a spectacular sunset, Weston breathlessly announced that there was "pretty stuff all over the world." My photo blog is an attempt to capture some of the pretty stuff in the world, and to share it with whoever might enjoy seeing it.

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