Summer 2017

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lil Monkey indeed

Today was sneak preview day at Max and Weston's preschool. They got to meet their teachers and the other students who will be in their classes, and they got to stay for a short time without parents, while we all went to the parent meeting down the hall. They both seemed to love the experience and are looking forward to the real deal next week. The irony is not lost on me that Max was placed in the "Lil Monkeys" class. And more ironic still is that today was the preview day, because today held every single reason I signed Max up for the program in the first place. I will only tell you of his three greatest crimes of the day:

  • In the middle of Grammar class, Max got away from me. I thought he was playing quietly in his room (that should have been my first clue) until I heard an unnatural banging sound coming from downstairs. I caught him with a full-grown (NOT a toy) hammer--which he stealthily and amazingly swiped from the top of the dryer--trying to beat in my bedroom door.
  • At one point today that little sneak got into my closet with a forbidden pencil and wrote all over my new step stool chair. This was discovered later in the day by my horrified oldest child, who knows first-hand what a terrible offense this is.
  • And the straw that just almost broke the camel's back: I came into Jeff's office to to discuss something with him briefly and was not out of the room more than 10 minutes. When I re-entered the scene, I found no less than a third, and maybe even more like half, of the keys plucked off the keyboard of my laptop and strewn all over the kitchen floor, rendering it completely useless.
You will all kindly remember to say a special prayer for Miss Brittney and Miss Debbie come Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. And I'm saying a little prayer for you right now. I must say, we will have to keep a BIG eye on Max and Samantha if they ever get together...


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