Summer 2017

Friday, April 03, 2009

Mommy Quiz (Ruth)

This seems to be the going thing in Blogland right now, so I'll jump on the bandwagon. You're probably all tired of hearing about moving and the house anyway. Weston's answers follow in a separate post.

Ask your child(ren) the questions and type in their answers as they say them. Tag other folks with older kids who might have fun with this. :)

1. What is something Mommy always says to you? I love you

2. What makes Mommy happy? Hugs and Kisses

3. What makes Mommy sad? When I get hurt

4. How does your Mommy make you laugh? By tickling me

5. What was your Mommy like as a child? I don't know

6. How old is your Mommy? 31

7. How tall is your Mommy? Kind of in the middle of me and Daddy--maybe 5 feet

8. What is her favorite thing to do? Eat at Chuy's

9. What does your Mommy do when you're not around? Plays on the computer

10. If your Mommy becomes famous, what will it be for? For cooking

11. What is your Mommy really good at? Cooking

12. What is your Mommy not very good at? Picking me up

13. What does your Mommy do for her job? Stays at home with us

14. What is your Mommy's favorite food? Mexican food

15. What makes you proud of your Mommy? When someone tells her that she is a good Mom

16. If your Mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be? Alice (from Alice in Wonderland)

17. What do you and your Mommy do together? Grammar class

18. How are you and your Mommy the same? We almost have the same length of hair

19. How are you and your Mommy different? Mommy has green eyes, and I have brown eyes

20. How do you know your Mommy loves you? Because she always says "I love you."

21. Where is your Mommy's favorite place to go? Chuy's


  1. Chuy's! Does she know you or what?! Those are great answers.

  2. Kathy9:26 AM

    Tell Ruth I said that I think her mom is a great Mommy!

  3. Those are awesome answers. Guess you like Chuy's! :)


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