Summer 2017

Monday, March 23, 2009

We're home

In the midst of the boxes and chaos, we are here. And we are happy. This is a good place for us. (That's right, Sharon, we are happy; we're in a good place; we're where we need to be)! We have met many of the neighbors already, and all have been very friendly. We are learning our way around town. (Jeff can probably make it to the hardware store and back blindfolded by now). And we are even making progress with unpacking--thanks in no small part to my parents, who kept the kids while we moved and came down over the weekend to help us out around the house. We are also really enjoying seeing and using all our stuff again. And for the children, it's like a great big birthday party. Since our stuff has been in boxes for nine months--and some of it for as long as a year--they can't even remember some of the toys they had before, so everything seems new and fresh and exciting. And, really, it's the same for Jeff and I with our stuff, only we don't call someone over to watch us enjoy our items like the kids do. The Lord has blessed us so much and we are so thankful to be home!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Hope you get all the boxes unpacked.


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