Summer 2017

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

No more warm-fuzzy

Raise your hand if you love to get the clothes out of the dryer and feel their warmth radiating into to you as you carry them to that little patch of floor in the bedroom where they will remain for the next few days/weeks. Ooh, what a good feeling! Unfortunately my new dryer doesn't deliver that little piece of laundry paradise. The clothes come out cool, even when you run the machine on the high heat setting. I'm sure that's a good thing on some very practical levels, but I'm in this thing for the literal warm-fuzzy, and I must admit, I'm disappointed every time the dryer buzzer goes off and I open up the door.


  1. can you circumvent that feature? that's so sad

  2. I haven't had a chance to really play around with it, but I'll have to investigate further.

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    But you are more wringle free, that is until you drop them in the floor and leave them! I sound just like my mother!! Love, Mom


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