Summer 2017

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lost and Found

You will remember from my last post that several items were missing as the moving dust began to settle. It was especially disturbing because they weren't the kinds of things that might just be in the next box. (We're talking mops, brooms, rakes, hoes, filing cabinets, etc.). Well, the good news is that most of the items have been found (or, as in the case of the vacuum cleaner, it has been remembered that they actually met their demise before we moved from Austin). The cleaning supplies were at my parents' house and the yard tools and filing cabinet were at my in-laws'. This makes me very happy, because for a while there I was seriously questioning my sanity.

Now, if I can just find the bag with all my pajamas...


  1. One would think that it would be hard to lose a filing cabinet, so I'm glad you are not crazy and that you found the lost items. :)

  2. We always lose the most random things when we move! And then there's the box that has completely weird stuff in it- like mkitchen bathroom college stuff all mixed together :)


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