Summer 2017

Monday, February 02, 2009

Getting To Know You

So, you all know me pretty well. I don't have many secrets, and I share pretty openly here on this blog. But, I have to tell you, I'm feeling like this relationship is a little one-sided. I run a "spy" program on my blog, which tells me how many readers I have, how they got to my blog, how much time they spent there and where in the world they are--down to the city they logged in from. Don't be creeped out. This kind of thing can be done for any website out there. I'm not creepy. I'm just curious. I realize some people have probably happened upon this little blog completely by accident. But, I know many of you purposefully log in and read--every day, every month or just every once in while. I think that's cool. I'm thrilled that people have come to this blog from places all over the world, whether they meant to or not. I can guess who some of you are, but I would really like to get to know you--or get to know you better. Leave me a comment. Don't be afraid. The worst that could happen is that we could become friends.


  1. Hey! I wonder if your program takes note of readers like me who mainly get updates on Google Reader instead of directly from your blogsite?

    Glad you had a good stay in Brazil!

  2. I confess...I'm a blog stalker. I love to keep up with what is going on in your lives, but I rarely leave a comment. I will try to be better since we only see each other for Christmas.

  3. You know me. I totally understand the spy program . . . I do it too.

  4. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Hi Mandi,

    I wonder if you can see I am reading your blog on my rss reader.

    I enjoy it very much.

    Say hi to Jeff and the kids.

  5. I am a daily blog stalker of yours, but maybe you can't call me that since I'm family! I am Chey-Anne, an Iraan cousin of Jeffery's. Maxie and my mom, Linda are first cousins. I love your blog and seeing the kids pics. We live in Lubbock so that's who's getting on from Raiderland. Tell Jeffrey hello. Keep up the good blog work!

  6. Thanks for the comments, guys! I was registering all of you on my little map, but am glad you have made yourselves officially known.

  7. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Hi Mandy, This is Inger (I used to work with Jeff, and you and I met a couple times). I'm a way once in a while reader, and I should be the little dot in Germany right now. I was actually trying to contact Jeff about some SEO stuff, but the email I have for him is not working anymore. Can you have him email me? IngerOnTheRoad[at] I love the post about playing pictionary. I love that game and have a 2 year old, but I never thought of putting them together. Maybe we'll try it tomorrow. Take care!


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