Summer 2017

Thursday, February 12, 2009

As way of explanation

I think many of you were surprised when you read the post about fear the other day. That's understandable. You see, you weren't ever even supposed to know that I have fears. I'm good at keeping that to myself. I'm good at being strong and carrying on and getting the job done. And, truly, once I decide to do something I will usually go for it with gusto. The fear comes before that decision is made, usually behind closed doors. But I needed that moment of vulnerability the other night. I needed to let my guard down. I needed to face the fear. And I was just so struck by Weston's little pep talk. So simple, yet so necessary. I just needed to remind myself that I can do it (whatever it is) and that I don't have to be afraid. The post was about letting you know (if you ever had any doubts) that I'm not perfect. And you knowing and accepting that I'm not perfect makes it a little easier for me to accept that as well. And let's face it, blogging is significantly cheaper than therapy!


  1. mandi, i always take a look on your blog on my work place, however there´s a program on the computers that block us to listen music, downloads some stuffs and... to leave a comment! I enjoy reading your blog, but whem i am at my job, iam enable to leave a comment. I hope you understand me.
    Miss you and your lovely family.

  2. Thanks so much for checking in, Patrcia! I'm so glad you are still reading. We miss you so much!


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