Summer 2017

Monday, January 12, 2009

To My Little F.T. Baby:

I can't believe you are already one! What a fast and fun year this has been! You entered the world 10 days earlier than expected, and you have been surprising us and keeping us on our toes ever since. Since day one, you have marched to the beat of your own drum, refusing to fit into any pattern set by your older siblings. You have despised pacifiers. You decided to stand long before you even thought about trying to sit. When you finally got your first teeth, they were on top rather than on bottom. You do things your own way, and we think that's great. You spent exactly half of your life living in Brazil, which is not something every one-year-old can say. You are smart and serious, sweet and silly. We call you F.T. because you are certainly a full-time baby. You are always exploring the world around you, and you never seem to find an obstacle too challenging. You love pillows. And doors. And any surface you can beat on. You are one of the strongest babies I have ever known and an excellent climber. You have given us so much joy in the past year, and we praise the Lord for the blessing you are in our lives. We love you so much, Sweet Boy. Happy First Birthday!


  1. Hi Mandi! it´s Sara from Brazil :P my sister show me the website.So, congratulaitions to Max \o/! and I hope you can came back soom to Brazil! Kisses! ;** and p.s sorry for the english ieueiueieu :P~

  2. Thanks for commenting, Sara! We miss you guys already and hope we will have another opportunity to travel to Brazil before too long.

  3. I love the new look of your blog and a very happy birthday to Max!


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