Summer 2017

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Other Education

Even though we are taking a break from school, we are certainly not taking a break from our brains. On Wednesday we took a field trip to Dallas, where we visited the King Tut exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art. Ruth was fascinated, having just studied King Tut this last semester in her history class. Then today, Ruth had an opportunity to interview an author of a couple of books that she recently read (over and over) and absolutely loved. She wrote her own interview questions and did a fabulous job conducting the interview. This author happens to be a friend of my mom's and lives in the same town, so we took advantage of the opportunity while we are here visiting. It's neat to have these opportunities and a student who is so interested in these kinds of things--even when she's on vacation!

1 comment:

  1. How cool! I saw the King Tut exhibit when I was in Chicago a few years back.

    The book sounds pretty neat.


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