Summer 2017

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Messes I Have Known

*My in-laws will kindly refrain from reading this post and will think happy thoughts about their once beautiful home*

Here are some of the interesting things I did today:
  • Cleaned tee-tee off the floor. Twice.
  • Changed the culprit's clothes. Twice.
  • Caught my youngest splish-splashing in the toilet after he had clearly gotten bored with unrolling the toilet paper.
  • (Tried not to puke).
  • Changed the culprit's clothes.
  • Caught my youngest emptying the trash can while simultaneously enjoying a snack.
  • (Tried not to puke).
  • Cleaned trash up off the entire kitchen floor.
  • Swept and re-swept the area under the baby chair, and even got down on my hands and knees a couple of times for the really juicy morsels that the broom could do nothing with.
  • Attempted to sweep up about a thousand square foot of spilled glitter, creating at least another thousand square foot of the sparkly mess and spreading it to the far reaches of the entire house.
  • Used dozens of towels to clean up gallons and gallons of spilled water in various rooms around the house.
  • Attempted to keep the toys from completely taking over.
  • Mopped up spilled milk like it was going out of style. But didn't cry.


  1. This is TOTALLY my week! What is UP with kids in the toilet and trash! I can't take it.

  2. Glad to know I'm not the only one dealing with this stuff!

  3. Knock on wood my messes have been of a pleasanter nature. :)

    Glad to know you're on top of the cleaning though!

  4. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Mom-In-Law here. I thing I posted my reply on the wrong blog date. Please refer to the next day for my response about the mess in our house. We love it!


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