Summer 2017

Thursday, January 22, 2009

He's not picky; he just knows what he likes

I spent a good portion of my day trying to stuff food into my youngest child, of which he was not the least bit interested. Pretty much the only thing I got for my efforts was a huge pile of food on the floor to sweep up after every attempted feeding. (He is not exactly the eater his big brother was/is--or his big sister, for that matter). But, that's just because I was serving the wrong foods. Turns out what the boy really wanted (and you'll be surprised I didn't think of this sooner) was cold canned green beans and spicy pickled garlic. I'm not kidding. Those two things are the only foods he took more than two bites of all day. And he went after those with gusto. I'm telling you, this kid is a surprise a minute.

1 comment:

  1. "a huge pile of food on the floor to sweep up after every attempted feeding" -- that's why we have dogs. :-)


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