Summer 2017

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

When I Grow Up...

Weston: Dad, did you know that when I grow up I'm going to have a job?

Jeff: No. What kind of job are you going to have?

Weston: I'm going to work at my house.

[pause] Weston: Also, I'm going to have a lady.

Jeff: A lady at your house?

Weston: Yeah. A lady like Mommy, but NOT Mommy.

Jeff: Why are you going to have a lady?

Weston: To take care of me!

[pause] Weston: Actually, I think I'll have two ladies.


  1. Hee hee! We can't stop laughing!

  2. Perfect, Wes. Perfect.

  3. lol! Weston is so precious!

  4. That's awesome. Can I get a couple ladies to take care of me?

  5. Sarah, I just said that to Jeff this morning!! I tell you, the boy has things figured out!

  6. Anonymous11:10 AM

    It does in fact take at least two women to take care of one man--thus Bill's secretary and me! I haven't figured out which is more important to his daily life but I have a pretty good idea! Tell Weston Nana will take care of him! What a sweetie! Love, Mom


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