Summer 2017

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I Want A New Bug

(A parody song based on real experience to the tune of Huey Lewis' "I Want A New Drug").

I Want a New Bug

I want a new bug,
One that won't bite or sting,
One that won't attack my legs
Or any other thing.

I want a new bug,
One that won't make me red,
One that won't make me itchy,
Or bite me in my bed.

One that won't make my foot swell,
Leaving me in pain;
One that keeps to itself
Or at least is easily slain
A bug that's easily slain.


  1. uh-oh, what happened? Attack of the bugs?

  2. I think just one bug, but he may have had some friends. I have no idea what kind of bug it was. I think it got me while I was sleeping. My whole foot turned red and swelled up and became itchy. But it only lasted about 24 hours and then went back to normal. Very weird.


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