Summer 2017

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Whole New Beach Experience

The beach that runs along in front of our building is pristine. Not only is it (thankfully) realatively free of trash, it is also (disappointingly) relatively free of shells. But today, thanks to my in-laws and their genius of walking down the beach in the other direction, we were able to enjoy a whole new beach experience. The sand changes from ultra fine to downright coarse. And the further along you go, the more shells there are. We collected gobs and gobs of beautiful shells, and we had a blast! We will definitely be going in that direction again, now that we know the treasures that can be found.


  1. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Hello--glad to hear Max and Sharon are having a great time, Jimmy has been trying to get in touch with Max and I told him I knew where those two were---at Jeff's.
    Jimmy needs to know when Maxie will be coming home- he needs to schedule an appointment with Max, Candy and Jimmy--regarding wind generators. Crystal and I enjoy your blog. Have a great time Sharon.

  2. Hi, Lenora. Thanks for posting a comment. Glad you enjoy the blog. I'll pass your message along to Maxie.

  3. Mandi,
    I cannot BELIEVE how tall Ruth is now. Wow.

    And good job changing directions :) I suppose we all need to do that from time to time.


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