Summer 2017

Friday, October 24, 2008

Starting the day off with a bang

Here, we have drinkable yogurt rather than yogurt you eat with a spoon. (You can buy the spoon kind, but it's very expensive). I'm not crazy about just sitting down with a big glass of yogurt, but I do love to pour what amounts to thick, flavored milk over my granola for breakfast. And, we have so many flavors to choose from, that breakfast becomes a bit of an adventure. Yesterday morning was more of an adventure than I bargained for, though, as I reached for a brand new bottle of coconut yogurt. After shaking it for a few seconds, as instructed, I pulled the little plastic ring, and POW!, the lid shot off, hit the ceiling and sailed across the room. And chunky, fermented yogurt shot out like a geyser, soaring right over the rack of clean laundry drying under the ceiling fan. Thankfully, most of the clothes were spared, though the ceiling, floor and kitchen counter were thoroughly covered. Some even managed to make it into the bedroom, a good 12-15 feet away. And I just stood there with my mouth agape, completely stunned by this turn of events. I can honestly say I have never seen anything quite like it. It took Jeff and me both to clean up the mess and it smelled pretty bad, but still, it was truly amazing--especially the part where it sailed right over the laundry. Simply amazing. Wish you all could have been here. We would have had a good laugh and then sat down with a big bowl of granola and yogurt--but not the coconut kind!


  1. Wow! That certainly sounds exciting! I'm glad it missed most of the laundry!

  2. oh goodness! Who would every expect that?

  3. I'm glad it missed the laundry, too. Especially seeing all of the trouble with the laundry you have had since you have been there. :)


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