Summer 2017

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Max was here!

And here. And there. And everywhere. And, my Bible no longer starts "In the beginning." It's more like "In the middle somewhere." If I turn my back even for a second, the little Max Monster sets to work--emptying garbage cans, discovering unknown piles of grunge, taste-testing things that I don't even want to know what are, attempting to escape from the apartment, and, of course, ripping pages out of any and all books--with as much delight as one little baby can possibly muster. I think he thinks it's a game to see how many times a day I can pick him up and move him to another location. It's more than a full-time job, and, frankly, it's wearing me out! I'll be glad to have some extra eyes and hands for the next few weeks as Jeff's parents visit, followed immediately by my mom and grandmother. Maybe with that many people on the job, someone will actually remember to close the bathroom door before Max can get his hands all the way down into the "splash zone".


  1. Oh, man. We are SO right there with you!

  2. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I remember when Jodi got hold of my Bible and added to the prophets and Luke and a few others--and I had just gotten it for Christmas that day! But I still use it and it is a treasure now when I see those scribble marks because it takes me back to those short and too soon gone baby days. Bibles can be rebound--would you like me to bring you another when we come?
    Love, Mom

  3. Oh that 9 months of age time . . . and boys do like to get into things. Hope you get through the week with most of your stuff still intact.

  4. RELATING!!! and mine are well past 9 mos, with one on the way there very soon...yikes! I was just checking out Romans the other day during our women's bible study and noticed that one (or more) of my darlins had done some creative underlining/circling things from Romans 3 to Romans 9...I know that one day it will REALLY make me smile and probably cry, but for now...just a forced grin, as it makes the page difficult to read. :-]


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