Summer 2017

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Where There's a Will, There's a Weston

Over the course of the past month, we have noticed a change in our sweet, little, compliant Weston. Don't get me wrong, he's still just as sweet as he can be, but not so much compliant. He has decided to embrace all the glory of his two-ness, and has adopted a mantra of "I don't want to!" This is usually followed by a major crying fit when he is forced to do whatever it is he doesn't want to do--which can literally be anything. It's not really out-and-out rebellion, like we had (have) from a certain other child in our family (who I may have mentioned is just like her mother), but it is frustrating nonetheless and still needs to be corrected--though I admit I am sometimes at a loss as to how to help him through this difficult age.

But then there are moments like we had this evening, when I asked him to pick up some toys. He, of course, didn't want to, which led to the afore mentioned fit. He was in the thick of it and I was losing patience, when all of a sudden he stopped, came over to me and said, "I want to pray and ask the Lord to help me not be sad." Then, he closed his little eyes and prayed to the Lord with complete sincerity. When he finished the prayer, he hugged me and then proceeded to pick up the toys. I was reminded at that moment that I only have him on loan--and when I get to the end of my ability to parent, he still has a Parent that is far wiser than I to help him through his twos. And I was reminded that I need to take my frustration to the Lord the same way Weston took his.


  1. Love it! Love it!

    Hope your having fun with the Atlantic Ocean :)

  2. Wow- how awesome is that! What a sweet boy!


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