Summer 2017

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Maybe. But, I'm not getting my hopes up. On Saturday, our friend said to us, "Now you will see it rain. It always rains for two weeks when the season is changing." And I'll be darned if it didn't start raining on Sunday. And we haven't seen the sun since. Our friend neglected to mention that it was also going to get COLD.* (As if it were winter or something)! The ocean has almost disappeared from view, and we certainly aren't enjoying any walks on the beach or dips in the pool. Thankfully, a care package arrived from the grandparents today with new toys, books and videos! There were squeals of delight all around! Thanks, Nana and Papa! We needed that fun little surprise to chase away the clouds. (Nevermind that you mailed it a month ago--it got here when we needed it most)!

*We are still tropical here, people, so it's not like we have icicles hanging off our balcony or anything. It's just that we packed for, well, a tropical climate, so we are feeling a bit chilled. At least I am. I think Jeff has just finally stopped sweating!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for season changes!

    I just saw my daughter on your flickr stream on your page. It was weird cause I wasn't expecting it...


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