Summer 2017

Friday, September 05, 2008

A poem by yours truly, inspired by by real life

Sleepless Love

A mother may close her eyes in prayer
Or even in a blink.
But a mother never really sleeps;
This is what I think.

In a moment a child is born,
A new awareness, too.
For a mother may be needed
At four or three or two.

Only she can wipe a nose
Or chase away bad dreams,
With soothing words or gentle touch--
Whatever that night deems.

She may grumble in the morning
And take her coffee black.
But she would not neglect her post
Just to have a few winks back.


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I'm so glad to see you are still writing poetry--I thought you had run out of time for it! I love you, Mom

  2. Well, it's not something I do often, but sometimes the words just form themselves in my head and I have to get them out.

  3. very good, Mandi. Totally captures my feelings, too.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Impressive poem Mandi! I can't wait until our babies get here so I can experience this for myself.

  6. Very cool and true.

  7. Isn't that soooo true? I LOVE sleep, but my lack of it these days is soooo worth it. And I LOVE my coffee black too :)

    Enjoy the ocean for all of us!

  8. The coffee part of the poem was actually "artistic license" on my part, as I don't drink coffee black or otherwise.


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