Summer 2017

Sunday, September 28, 2008

More than just a big boy haircut

You have all, by now, noticed Weston's big boy haircut (but you can check out my last post if you're lost here). But there is more to him than just a new 'do. He has become a big boy in so many other ways recently as well. He has learned how to dress and undress himself (if you don't count the occasional wrong-side-out and backwards shirt) and to go potty by himself--(Can I get a "WooHoo?!"). He can also just about say the whole alphabet now, and he can recognize signs and structures of places we go fairly regularly. As a mom, I find these accomplishments to be bittersweet. I thrill at the addition of each new skill, and I beam with pride at every milestone reached. But I must admit, it is a little sad for me, this warp speed passing of childhood. So, I secretly relish those moments when he is still a little boy--when he wants to sit in my lap or needs my help with some little task or asks me to sing his special "do-do-do" song when he's sleepy or sad. His growing up is inevitable, and I wouldn't change that for the world. I look forward to sharing each new phase of his development with all of you. But, in the quiet of my heart, I will be enjoying every minute that I still have him as my little boy.

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