Summer 2017

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Here Comes The Sun

Our friend said it would rain for two weeks, and by golly, it rained for exactly two weeks. The sun came out on Monday, and Spring seems to be official now--though the weather seems about the same as it was before the rain began. (The mosquitoes are different, though, which I find very interesting). People have reappeared on the beach and the muddy footprints are starting to disappear off the floor. (Perhaps my floor is the only one that had muddy footprints, since the Brazilian women mop the floor about ten times a day, rain or shine). We have folded up our guarda-chuvas, and we're venturing out more. (Though, I can tell you, it's nowhere near warm enough yet for me to step foot in the ocean or pool). We are glad to see the sun and are looking forward to another beautiful season in this beautiful place.

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