Summer 2017

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Gaits Allowed

The other day I stopped Ruth, as she whizzed past me, and told her to stop running. She responded just as cool as you please: "I wasn't running. I was galloping." Darn loopholes. So, now half of our marker board has been devoted to the following:

Gaits Allowed*
  • Walk
  • Saunter
  • Stroll
  • Swagger
  • March
  • Tiptoe/Sneak
  • Prowl
The kids think this is hilarious and have been practicing the gaits in hopes of establishing a favorite. Ruth is partial to the "prowl," while Weston seems to prefer the "march." The "cruise" is not included on the list but is certainly Max's gait of choice, although he still employs the "crawl" when he wants to get somewhere fast.
*For more information on these gaits and the disallowed gaits, you can click here.


  1. That is hilarious. I may someday have to do that in our house.

  2. What a great idea - we have the "running in the house" issue as well.


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