Summer 2017

Monday, September 08, 2008

Calling in a sub

I've only been teaching for three weeks and I have already had to call in a sub. Fortunately, there was someone available who could be trusted to teach the classes as if they were his own. I woke up feeling fine, but by the time I was finished with my shower I had a headache that wouldn't quit. I thought maybe it was just the dread of laundry day looming before me, but five minutes into the science lesson I knew it was more than that. The headache had been growing steadily worse, culmintating in a tossing of cookies and a calling in of the reserves. I did manage to get the laundry mostly done, but I also worked in a serious nap, which left my stomach settled if not my head. That one stuck with me through dinner, but then just sort of vanished, and now I feel fine. I think Ruth was sort of surprised and delighted to know that Jeff and I can take over each other's classes when necessary. Not that she was glad I wasn't feeling well. She gave no end of hugs and sympathetic words. She is such a sweetie. And Weston was oblivious to my not feeling well, but was thrilled that someone besides himself wanted to take a nap. (He, of course, would never admit that he wanted to take a nap, because that's just not what two-year-olds do. But he is always secretly thrilled when nap time rolls around). I look forward to being back in the teaching saddle again tomorrow, hopefully operating at full capacity.


  1. How awesome that you had a sub in the wings! I know that must be such a nice part of the decision you've made to move. And I'm impressed you got all the laundry done in spite of your illness. I can't even do that on a good day!

  2. I'm going to need a sub when I go on my maternity leave, think Jeff could fill in for me, too? It might be quite a commute.

  3. Well, Crystal, the commute aside, I don't think I could spare Jeff, since he's not only a fabulous sub but also a full-time teacher. (He does math and history, and I don't want to have to take those on)!
    Please remind me of your due date.

    Sarah, I had no choice but to get the laundry done. Since I only have two days a week when I can do laundry--for a limited amount of time on each day--it HAS to get done then or it doesn't get done at all!

  4. The babies official due date is January 27th, that would be 40weeks. However, most twins only make it to 37 weeks. I'll be happy if I can make it past Christmas.

  5. If you make it to Jan. 12, your babies can share their birthday with Max! Wouldn't that be cool?!


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