Summer 2017

Friday, August 29, 2008

What's Labor Day weekend without a picnic on the beach?

For the record, there is no Labor Day holiday here in Brazil, and it's winter here--meaning it gets dark early and it's a bit chilly when the sun goes behind the bulidings. But these minor little details didn't keep us from having a nice little family picnic on the beach--complete with homemade southern-style fried chicken and homemade potato salad (but not like Granny makes, because who can duplicate her perfect recipe?! Especially since I don't recall ever having seen a pickle in Brazil). We received no end of odd stares from the Brazilians, because 1). they don't really have picnics on the beach, at least not in the winter and 2). no self-respecting Brazilian would ever be caught dead eating dinner at 5:30 in the afternoon! Ah, but we had fun! And, as a bonus, it was Max's first time to get down in the sand! He loved it! Hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great Labor Day weekend picnic to me. Wish we could have joined you.


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