Summer 2017

Sunday, June 22, 2008

What Hurts The Most

Since we've been staying at the lake, Weston "Accident-Waiting-To-Happen" Watts has met with quite a few little problems from some of our friends in nature, not to mention the normal tumble-bumble that just comes with being Weston. He has had run-ins with multiple groups of fire ants, and he came across a nasty little wood wasp burrowing into his swing. But the creature whose sting has been, by far, the cruelest--partly for the pain, partly for the blood lost and partly just for the shock of the source--was the evil catfish. Weston was on a roll out on the pier this afternoon. He had two perch under his belt and was going back for more. When he hooked a catfish, he was so excited that he managed to throw the fish down. Next thing we knew, he had stepped on the thing and caught it right on the razor-like dorsal fin. There followed no less than half an hour of bleeding and crying before he was ready to get back out on the dock and cast his line again. But even with the tears all dried up, his mantra for the evening was: "I don't like that other one fish sting me."


  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Poor thing! But what a great attitude to get back out there and keep on trying. There's nothing quite like being 2, is there?


  2. ugh - those catfish can be dangerous. Glad Weston is back to ok and fishing again.


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