Summer 2017

Monday, June 02, 2008

The Laundry Game

My boys had a competition today to see who could generate the most laundry. Here's the color commentary:

Competitor M made his splash into the game early on with a move we've not seen from him in some time: the soak-the-parents'-sheets-during-a-diaper-change move. The defense never saw it coming and could do nothing to stop it.

Competitor W was undaunted, however, and came back quickly with a power-play: He neglected to inform the referee of his need to potty and filled his underwear/shorts in the worst way. In an attempt to cover his mistake, he instituted the clean-it-up-yourself play to put himself well in the lead.

At this point the referee called a time-out and sent both competitors to bed.

Competitor M came back from the break rearing to go, with wet clothes and sheets to match.

It seemed for a brief period that Competitor W was out of the game, when he surprised the crowd by having another little accident--much less severe than the first, thank goodness--but enough to keep him in the game, for sure.

This blow to the laundry basket was met quickly and fiercely by Competitor M with a leaking poopy diaper, followed in rapid succession by several episodes of spitting up and another super-soaker move during a diaper change.

It was a bitter match to the end, but ultimately, the little guy--Competitor M--seemed to come out on top of the laundry heap. But the play of the game definitely went to the big man--Competitor W.


  1. Boys are good at laundry competitions!

    'Course... I think my HOUSE produces laundry. There's only 3 of us and I can barely keep my head above the white load.

  2. Wow- what an amazing day. Glad it's almost over and that your machine is catching up for you.

    The bed issues are rough, but the poop is the worst.

  3. oh that sticks - haha. Seriously, though, no fun. Glad the next day was better.


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