Summer 2017

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Small Fry

(Or Little Tater, if you prefer).

I really can't believe it, but Max is already four-months-old--which means another trip to the doctor's office for a check-up. Sometimes that can be a really bad thing, but today's visit couldn't have gone smoother. Max just cooed and smiled and almost jumped up and down when Dr. Little was examining him. And he was quite a little toughy when he got his four shots. Dr. Little informed me that he is ready to start cereal just anytime and that she expects him to produce his first tooth in the next month or two. (This was surprising to me since neither of the other two got their first teeth until they were around 11-months-old). I also found out Max's stats, which were also a little surprising since they were on the low end. He weighs 14 lbs. 3 oz. (45th percentile), and he is 24 1/2 in. long (25th percentile). He is hitting all the right milestones and seems to be very healthy. I can't believe how quickly he is growing! And in my humble opinion, getting more handsome by the day!

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