Summer 2017

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Science Works on This

I can't smell anything. My nose is completely stopped up with a never-ending supply of green goo that is not in the least impacted by my many trips to the Kleenex box. Consequently, I can't taste anything either. You would think this would be a deterrent to me eating, but it actually has the opposite effect. Since I haven't tasted anything, I feel like I haven't really eaten anything. So then I end up eating things that have no taste, taking in calories I don't need, and not even getting the pleasure of yumminess as a reward. It's really not very fun at all--on so many levels.


  1. oh hope you feel better soon

  2. Sorry you're sick. Have you tried the neti pot? It's supposed to work wonders.

  3. I have never heard of the "Neti Pot," but I will check it out. Thanks for the info and the well wishes.


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